Mirror your iPhone with UxPlay

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Mirroring your iPhone or other iOS device onto your Linux PC is incredibly simple, and has a variety of potential use-cases, such as streaming or recording iOS apps, games, or even your iPhone’s camera

The name of the project is UxPlay and is available on github. The installation steps should be fairly straightforward – install the prerequisites listed under “Building UxPlay on Linux (or *BSD),” git clone uxplay into a directory of your choice, and “make” it from there

I use an unsupported AUR manager on Arch, so my installation was essentially just:

	yay uxplay-git
	systemctl start avahi-daemon

Note about avahi 1

If you’re on Arch, the supported way to install unsupported packages from the AUR can be found on the Arch Wiki From there, I move over to my iPhone, tell it to mirror my display to the new uxplay option, and…

UxPlay Demo

I know, I need to charge my iPhone battery and mark some RSS feeds as “read” in Newsboat 😝

That’s all there is to it! I had absolutely no idea that UxPlay existed until today, so this short-and-sweet article is mostly here just to make you aware of it

PS: This apparently also runs on a Raspberry Pi


  1. avahi-daemon “facilitates service discovery on a local network,” according to its website. I was unable to find any sources to screen mirror to without it. As an added bonus, it fixed a mostly unrelated problem I’ve been having with Plex being unable to form a direct connection ↩︎