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HKE & t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 - Gateway アセンション 1
It’s still July 14th and I’m still starting to get my site set up. I’m just adding a couple pages to make use of the tag system below. So, what’s new with me besides this site? Well, my birthday is coming up at the end of this month, and I’ll actually get a chance to see telepath live half-way through next month @ econ 3. I’m still playing around with the colors of this site, but after attaching the econ3 photo below, I’m starting to see a little bit of peach and tangerine in addition to the purple/blue that I currently have configured for I like it, and I’m going to poke around at the colors a bit!
On telepath, I must admit that I was not a fan from the start. The music just sounded too formulaic and surface-level, which I know is sacrilegious to say! Of course, after falling down the vapor rabbit hole, I’ve grown to be a huge fan. I always loved and appreciated the 2814 project 2, as it seems everyone in this space does, but it took me a little while to come around to the more traditional and phaser-heavy sound of telepath. Without getting too in the weeds, I have seen discussion around the sound of telepath’s newest album, Wading in the Afterlife, being too far removed from the traditional, sample-heavy telepath for some fans’ liking 3. Though I’ve grown to love even the more traditional telepath sound throughout the artist’s many, many albums, I am still of the opinion that Wading in the Afterlife is a phenomenal album; I revisit it roughly as often as I revisit telepath’s earlier works.
What else am I up to? Like clockwork, I’m sipping an NA beer as I write this, of course! I am a very big fan of Athletic Brewing’s offerings, and tonight is currently a Run Wild 4 night.
Well, it’s about time to feed the kitties so I best be off. I will certainly be posting pictures of them being cute and doing whatever other things cats do (while still being cute) as this site chugs along, but for now, here is a rather large econ3 poster… that is reminding me that I need to learn about resizing photos “dynamically” on this static site
English: Gateway Ascension ↩︎
2814 - Birth of a New Day’s cover art, by the artist KidMoGraph, was a direct inspiration for this current color scheme. It’s probably an eye-sore because I don’t know what I’m doing :) ↩︎
To be clear though, Wading in the Afterlife also had a lot of positive reception; it’s not like it was universally hated ↩︎
Run Wild is Athletic Brewing’s IPA offering ↩︎